A message from the Founders:

Since the inception of the Manston Air Group in 2020, the costs of running the VA have been almost entirely borne by the Founders. We remain completely committed to the project and will gladly continue to service the costs associated with running the venture.

Several members have asked how they can contribute. As of 2024, we’ve launched a new initiative to allow members to contribute voluntarily. Our "BuyMeACoffee" page offers a way for you to donate and purchase exclusive MAG Merch!

In the interest of transparency, we will document all running costs, donations, and profits. Any profit surplus at the end of each calendar year will be donated to charity.

Being a part of the Manston Air Group as a pilot is completely free and will always remain that way. This is a voluntary scheme and a chance to grab your own MAG merchandise (in the near future) to help support the running costs of the Group.

The Manston Air Group costs around £115/year (23 coffees!) to keep online. We have produced a detailed spreadsheet with the running cost breakdown available here:

View Running Costs & Donations

Buy Me a Coffee