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Paros Airport, Paros (LGPA)

Airport Weather & NOTAM's

METAR for:LGPA (Paros/Kratikos Arpt, K, GR)
Text:LGPA 161220Z AUTO 17013KT //// // ////// 17/09 Q1012 RE//
Conditions at:1220 UTC 16 Feb 2025
Temperature: 17.0°C ( 63°F)
Dewpoint: 9.0°C ( 48°F) [RH = 59%]
Pressure (altimeter):29.88 inches Hg (1012.0 mb)
Winds:from the S (170 degrees) at 15 MPH (13 knots; 6.7 m/s)

Live Departures & Arrivals

There are currently no arrivals or departures for this airport.

Departures History (last 12 months)

Flight No. Dest. Aircraft Date
MSE12LG LGSR Cessna Sky... 2024-06-18 02:48:48
MSE5848 LGSR Black Squa... 2024-05-17 05:21:17

Arrivals History (last 12 months)

Flight No. Origin Aircraft Date
MSE11LG LGNX Pipistrel... 2024-06-18 02:40:32
MSE4567 LGNX Kodiak 100... 2024-05-15 10:54:35

Runway Information (Airport elevation: 125ft)

Runway 17 Length 2,611ft Width 66ft Elevation 112ft Surface Bituminous Heading 173
Runway 35 Length 2,611ft Width 66ft Elevation 112ft Surface Bituminous Heading 353

Airport Frequencies

Type UC Frequency 125.050 Mhz
Type UC Frequency 119.750 Mhz
Type UC Frequency 124.025 Mhz
Type UC Frequency 130.925 Mhz

Airport Navaids

No navaids to display.